Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dev D

Hmm, saw the much awaited movie last night, finally. For me this movie was important also because my dear friend M @ B was invovled in it and had given me an insider's view on the movie and the songs, especially emoshanal attyachar.
A, J and I had gone for the movie, while J and I had pretty mcuh the same reactions, A was going gaga about the camera angles , this and that, basically stuff that I don't really notice in the first time!
The movie theatre was full of a lot of men and in this movie the starkingly different reactions of most men and women to the same scene could clearly be seen. For example there is a scene where Paro is picking up the bedding after being completely humiliated by Dev and going off, for some strange reason a lot of men in the theatre found this funny, while it actually is an emotional type scene... I guess a lot of men could not deal with woman being shown so clear, informed and demanding about her sexuality, clearly she is seen as some one who is loose, forward, has no morals and someone against whom even the domestic help can easily gossip and be believed.
Similarly, when Chanda is being pulled back into the house and she screams about not repeating her behaviour with every tom, dick and harry who walks in also got loud cheers as a reaction!!
I actually felt like screaming, do you even know what you are watching, this is not a porn movie yaar!
Anywhich ways, overall I think this is a big breakthrough in being upfront about one's sexuality and dealing with it.. good show!


Amit Choudhary said...

I appreciate your views on the movie and taking stand on certain obvious behavior...

anugem said...

Thank you amit