Monday, June 30, 2008

Pride and Prejudice

I just finished re reading an online version of pride and prejudice, by Jane Austen. As an adolescent, I was in love with this book, i thought it was so romantic, so perfect and all of that. But after having re read it, I realised, I should have let that impression of the book remain. In an attempt to refresh the romance of the book I have come face to face with the chauvinistic thread running from chapter to chapter. How the biggest pre occupation of the mother right since her first daughter turned sixteen was to have her daughters married to eligible bachelors, the kind of social boycott the family is threatened with when Lydia elopes with Wickham. The kind of criticizm Elizabeth faces for being able to speak her mind!!! There seems to be no romance left in this book and I only resolved to finish it with the hope of finding some element of it in the end atleast when Lizzy and Mr. Darcy reveal their true feelings for each other. Uff.... I think I was happier imagining that this was the best book I had read and always wanted to go back to it when I felt like. Of course now no more!!! So much for the background on women's rights!!

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