Friday, February 6, 2009

Conversations to be noted

He: This friend who has been married for quite sometime called me and said that his marriage is not working out fine and maybe they are heading for divorce
Me: Ok
He: You know, i told him, whatever it is, is totally your fault
Me: Ok
He: But you know, even though they both are working, his wife does not do any housework... like he literally has to wash her clothes too
He: I mean can you believe it, he has to wash the clothes, she does not wash them!
Me: (trying not to break this man's neck!) Well women have washed men's clothes for centuries, if one man is washing his wife's clothes, what on earth is the big deal??
He: Oh shit, I forgot who I was speaking with!!
Me: Anyways, why can't they buy a washing machine or get domestic help?
He: No no they have a washing machine, he has to wash the clothes in the washing machine
Me: @*%$#%% (and walk away without causing any physical damage)

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